Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

The conduct and ethical standards of each Udzungwa  Mountains  College  Student Graduate must reflect the unique responsibilities as a  representative of  UMCTO  and be guided at all times by their contracting company’s policy. Ethics are moral principles that control or influence a  person’s behavior. Codes of ethics are normally established by practitioners and their institutions.

  • Be open about the information to be given, the factual in the area,  making a clear distinction between what is true and what are stories,  legends, and opinions.
  • Being loyal  to the government,   and to the particular  organization  while protecting the confidentiality  of proprietary   information
  • Conservation   sensitiveness
  • Diligence  to duty
  • Dress appropriately
  • Efforts to establish   a friendly and helpful  rapport  with the clients
  • Integrity
  • Knowledge and obedience to government laws;  the policies and rules of the organization in which you are employed.
  • Present,   inform,    interpret  and  highlight   the  attractions  while maintaining   objectivity  and  enthusiasm  in a courteous  and  polite  manner
  • Reliability  and  responsibility   for facilitating  the smooth,   efficient,  safe  and timely  tour
  • Sensitivity  to the  interests and values of  the tourists, while  avoiding   sharing of  personal views  on  controversial  subjects  such as religion,  politics  or  lifestyle
  • Show professional respect  and spirit  of cooperation  to fellow guides
  • Time  management
  • Motivate and empower your guests by interacting with fellow travelers and local people they meet around the world.  In a thoughtful  and  balanced  manner,  help your  guests  to become informed  thinkers  about global issues,  cultural  differences, and  awareness of  human  trafficking
  • Educate  and  inspire  your guests  to develop  a  more  enlightened  world  view  by giving  them a  thoughtful   understanding  of  history,   culture,   values,  and  traditions
  • Strive to enhance the professionalism of UMCTO certified tour directors and guides through your exemplary leadership,  personal comportment,  integrity,  honesty, and trustworthiness.  Always  remember, your  attitude,  enthusiasm,  concern  for others and joy  of  life   will be  reflected  the personality  of  your tour group
  • Teach  by being  a responsible  Goodwill Ambassador  to do no  harm  either socially  or environmentally  to any  cultures  or  communities  you  are   privileged  to visit
  • Assist,  without  hesitation,  other  tour  directors and  guides in the  field  even  if they  are not  UMCTO  Certified  Alumni
  • Maintain your leadership by never losing your cool. Be objective  when there  is  a crisis,  conflict,  or you are being  criticized  on tour  by anyone
  • Guard against prejudice,   racism,   judgmental behavior,  and strong opinions. You are responsible  to present a fair  and  balanced  picture
  • Discuss with colleagues or your tour operator,  any breach of conduct,  or behavior by another tour director/guide,  guest, or supplier in a tactful,  diplomatic,  and constructive manner.  Again,  never  vent about  any negative  issues  on any form  of social media,  internet or  online forum
  • Maintain your professional integrity and refrain from making negative comments about any respect of your tour or tour operator. Speak directly with your tour operator in a  tactful, diplomatic,  and constructive manner. Never vent about any negative issues or any form of social media,  internet,  or an online forum!
  • Endeavor always  to present your  tour operator’s  brand in the best  possible  light to guests,  suppliers,  DMOs  and  the general public
  • Respect  the  proprietary  relationship  of  tour  operators  with their  tour  clients/  guests and passengers  or vendors  by  not making  contact  with  them  or soliciting (pirating) them for any   personal  business purpose  without the tour  operator’s consent
  • Realize the importance of understanding the tour operator’s mission,  policies, and procedures and adhere to their guidelines. Have  a clear  comprehension  of  the  tour operator’s  philosophy  and  the guiding  beliefs  that  characterize their  product or brand
  • Pursue  excellence  as a UMCTO  Certified  Travel  and  Tourism  Professional
  • Share  knowledge,  expertise, and skills  to further  the advancement of  the tourism industry
  • Seek  and  maintain  an equitable,  honorable,  and  cooperative association  with all persons  who  are a part of  the international  tour  director’s  business  and  professional  life
  • Pursue  continuing professional  and/  or self – education  to maintain  personal  and  professional excellence
  • Honor  all  commitments both written and oral,  in spirit  and intent,  and strive  to assure  clarify  and  mutual  understanding  of  all contractual  relationships
  • Be  aware of  and provide all services to satisfy  the needs and  expectations  of tour members,  as delineated  by  the  Pax  itinerary  and hiring  company  brochure
  • Not engage  in any  activity  that is,   or would   create,  a conflict of interest
  • Keep  and  maintain accurate  records and information  that shall  be  available, consistent with  contractual  obligations, to each  contracting  company  or individual
  • At all times  meet  the dress code  and  personal behavior that  professionally  represents  the company contracting their  services
  • Treat  all tour  members  equally  and  without  prejudice  regardless  of  her/his  national  origin,   race,   religion,  sexual  orientation or  physical  or mental  disability
  • Avoid  misrepresentation or concealment  of useful information
  • Always  follow the Hiring  Company  Policy and recognize  it can,  and probably  will,  change  from  company  to company